Devil’s Den is an underground spring inside a dry cave in Williston, Florida. It makes for the perfect Central Florida day trip. It’s located roughly 120 miles from Tampa and 100 miles from Jacksonville. It is a place for snorkeling and SCUBA diving, and it’s privately owned.
Quite frankly Devil’s Den is located in the middle of nowhere, you would never guess it’s there. But it’s a beautiful piece of nature.
You’ll drive down a long road and when you arrive you’ll see that there is plenty of parking. Before going down into the den, you’ll stop in the Welcome Center. There, you’ll pay, sign a waiver, and get a quick training and debriefing. Both snorkeling and SCUBA diving equipment are available for rent for a fee.
Then, it’s time to put on your gear and head down to the spring! You walk down a long, narrow and damp stairway underground and then there you have it! Make sure you’re mentally prepared when you enter the water, it remains a constant 72 °F which feels pretty chilly when you first get in, no matter the season.
The views and scenery are beautiful from in the spring. We saw so many fish and the water was so blue and so clear. Since you are underground it is quite dark and shady, which in my opinion adds to the beauty. From above ground, there is also an observation area where you can look down into the hole. The grounds are beautiful and expansive. There are pavilions and picnic tables, other bodies of water, koi ponds, and a little scenic path.
I definitely recommend taking a trip to Devil’s Den. It’s a little piece of history, a bit of nature, and a whole lot of fun! Learn more or make reservation at